Saturday, July 28, 2007

Smug Mug Pics

I uploaded more pictures onto SmugMug.

Kids Playing Outside

Aerial View

Dining Hall Floor


Click on each of the hyperlinks above to view the pictures. I hope to add quite a few more pictures over the next few days.

Joy and Celebration!

This is my favourite picture I took while in Africa. I love this because each child is so incredibly happy in their own individual way. :)

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Grandma and Grandpa Thomson (Dad's parents)

Grandma and Grandpa still know how to kiss after 60 years! We even clanged our glasses, like at a wedding reception, to have them kiss. :)

Faith (Me) with my cousin Trevor's daughter, Daphne. She was my little friend!

This past weekend we celebrated my Grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. We also celebrated a Guadet Family Reunion. This would consist of my Grandmother's family and all of her brothers, sisters, their children, all the way down to the Great-grandchildren.

I learned some neat things in conversation with both of my grandparents.
  • As a young child and youth my grandpa remembers going to Church for the Fowl (Fall) Fest. They did not attend church often because they would have to go via horse and buggy and it was too much work, although, they always attended the Fowl Fest.
  • I also learned that my Grandpa's father died at 46 or 47 years old from heart failure, my Grandpa was 15. They think his Dad was Presbyterian, but nobody knows for sure.
  • My great grandmother--who died when she was 102, was a widow for 61 years. She was a widow for as long as my grandparents have been married!
  • My grandmother grew up speaking only French in the home.
  • My grandmother was a devout Catholic and spoke a prayer in French before mealtime. My family (my Mom's side) also has a grace that we say before every meal. I believe it may have came from the Salvation Army.
It's been neat to see how God has blessed my Grandparents, and has used them for His glory. I am fortunate to live in the family I do! :)