Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me!
S. Trevor Francis, 1875
For even though they knew God, they did not honour Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonoured among them.
--Romans 8:21-24
Um...ouch. Once again, God gave what was asked for, even when it was not in the best interests. In my last entry, I spoke about an example in the Old Testament, where God gave the Israelites a King; we now see, God giving into requests in the New Testament.
I love that God does things willingly, and will use it for his glorification, even when we are stupid. I still struggle with the fact that God gave them over, but then I go back to the knowledge that God does this out of love, a love that does not insist His way, one that allows us to choose Him.
Esengo (Glory)
Vs. 1
Esengo, esengo, esengo mingi (Repeat)
(Glory, Glory, Glory to those)
Esengo, esengo, esengo mingi (Repeat)
(Glory, Glory, Glory to those)
Ezali na ba oyo ba ndimi Yesu
(Who’ve accepted Jesus as their savior)
Ezali na ba oyo ba ndimi Yesu
(Who’ve accepted Jesus as their savior)
Vs. 2
Mawa, mawa, mawa mingi
(Sadness, Sadness, Much sadness)
Mawa, mawa, mawa mingi
(Sadness, Sadness, Much sadness)
Ezali na ba oyo ba boyi Yesu
(To those who’ve rejected Jesus)
Ezali na ba oyo ba boyi Yesu
(To those who’ve rejected Jesus)
Vs. 3
Longwa, longwa, longwa Satana
(Get away, Get away, Get away Satan)
Longwa, longwa, longwa Satana
(Get away, Get away, Get away Satan)
Na lingi ko salela Yo, Yesu Masia
(The work has been finished by Jesus Christ)
Na lingi ko salela Yo, Yesu Masia
(The work has been finished by Jesus Christ)
V. 4
Mumalembe, mumalembe, tu kwenda na
(Slowly, Slowly, We move forward)
Mumalembe, mumalembe, tu kwenda na
(Slowly, Slowly, We move forward)
Malembe, malembe tu kwenda na nzila zulu tu kwenda na
(The road to heaven we are slowly going to)