- The original rash has gone away! I have replaced that rash with road rash, due to falling off of a bike during a triathlon. At least I know where this road rash came from! :) I owe a huge thank you to Ben, who cleaned my wounds after I finished the tri (Yes, I was able to get back on the bike, blood streaming down, determined, and in utter pain), my brother who cleaned my wounds with dish soap and water and then hydrogen peroxide, and lastly, my mother who then has cleaned my wounds daily, and dressed them with Aquaphor. Thank God for Eucerin, as I am not allergic to it! During this time of injury, I've had insult on the injuries, thanks to allergens. I am so blessed that each of the wounds are healing up quite nicely.
- My ankle is still hurting, and I also hurt the other ankle, a tad bit. I have not run for a week due to the road rash. I will start up with Saturday's long run! I can hardly wait, it's hard not to run!
- Subby is on it's way to the crusher! No more good times with the 1998 Subaru Forester. On the upside, thanks to the deer hitting our car in Idaho, I will soon be driving a Ford Freestyle. I am thankful for a vehicle to drive.
- I am still searching for a job teaching secondary mathematics. And not just any job. A fabulous job with wonderful co-workers and a great administration, like I had at Mac Arthur HS, in NEISD. I know I am an excellent teacher! (I just copied and pasted this from last time!)
- People have generously offered me clothes and bought me new items! Wow! Thank you, thank you!
- My personal faith: Two prayers have been answered. I had been praying for three months that I would find something, and I found both items within a short time period. What a blessing! It was good to know that God has not forgot about me, nor my prayers.
God be merciful to me, on Thy grace I rest my plea. Plenteous in compassion Thou, blot out my transgressions now. Wash me, make me pure within; cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin. Gracious God, my heart renew, make my spirit right and true. Cast me not away from Thee; let Thy Spirit dwell in me. Thy salvation's joy impart, steadfast make my willing heart.
--God be merciful to me
--God be merciful to me