Saturday, August 25, 2007


In high school, one of my best friends names was Amanda Hensley. We had every class together for four years, minus electives. We were tight. We went to college and almost did not speak for five years. Not b/c we had a failed friendship/breakup, rather we just went our separate ways and Godincidence would bring us back together every year or two for a conversation or a season in Amanda's life.

Recently, someone told her at work, expect a miracle today. She was like whatever. And then she's walking out of the building and says goodbye to the Math Dept. head. The Math Dept. head is freaking out b/c schools about to start and she just lost a teacher.

Amanda is driving home and says, Faith, Faith! She calls my cell. I actually heard and answered my cell. Hello, I do not even touch that cellular most of the time. I said yah, I'll email you my resume and you can give that to your people at Jay. My thoughts were whatever, but no, be nice. Amanda was telling me the Math Dept. head (Amanda is in the History Dept) was a strong Christian woman, and desired a new hire with certain traits and qualities, all of which I fulfilled.

So...I go to interview the very next morning. It went very well. In fact before the interview the lady was like I'm so excited... Which starts you off good. I was demanding--I expect a projector and this and that, and I won't do this and that, but I will do this and was kind of funny, anyways, as my Dad says, I'm surprised they wanted you after all you said you would not do and what you said you wanted. LOL! So that went great.

I then waited to interview with the principal for an hour in a half. Miscommunication, and I ended up coming back the next day. I would say it was more formality than anything. Before the interview I was told things like, when you need anything, come by...I'm in room such and such. People do not usually here, when you need/want this come to me if you're not going to be hired. Principal gave the okay for me to be hired.

I was called Thursday night and told to show up Sunday. Amanda was most excited and today told me that this was her miracle from God. So...once again we reconnect, it will dangerous, we are across the hallway from each other, but it's also been amazing to have a friend like her back.

Throughout the week I have had so many people come up to me and say, "I have been praying that you would be hired" or "You are an answer to my prayers"--it's been really cool. And they say God is not at work in the High Schools?

You are reading about Jay High Schools newest senior Math Models and sophomore Geometry teacher. :)


Anonymous said...

Wow - congrats on the new position! Where is Jay anyway - city, I mean?

-Julie (from Wall Hall)

Faith said...

San Antonio, Texas.