Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Do It Self or is this Faith's Weight Loss Program?

My grandfather nicknamed me, "Do It Self" for a very good reason. I am stubbornly independent. This past week, God has allowed me to depend on others for every little thing, and it's hard. The day I came home from Brazil, Nick brought me Gatorade. The following day, another friend brought me groceries. As time progressed, I became more and more sick. I went to the Dr, after a good friends urging. So much so, she called the Dr for me. My brother and my girlfriend took me to the Dr and I since my fam doctor is on holiday, I was able to see someone else.

The Dr. gave me two medicines. One for anxiety, which I took once, and decided not to take again, and a new antibiotic. The antibiotic is supposed to make me better, instead...I have a head to toe rash, itchy skin, awful shaking (uncontrollably), hot flahses, a back that feels like it's on fire, out of body type experiences, dizziness, and constant nauseau. more med to go on the FAITH DO NOT TAKE list...

Great things God is doing...
A) I'm learning to really rely on God and his provisions through people
B) I'm realizing how good my friends are and that they really do care about me
C) I'm reading and praying through the Book of Job
D) Forced relaxation
E) More time to Thank and Praise Jesus!

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