Monday, June 28, 2010


This weeks Pastor's Ponderings could not have come at a more timely season of my life. I have been given the opportunity to financially support the child, Yodalis Florentino, that I have been a writing sponsor of for the past couple years. My original thought was, "No way! I have no income. I am still seeking employment. I don't have enough. My car is dying (it's not even in driving condition right now). I do want some money in savings. I am about to go on COBRA. I don't have enough." And then shortly after that, I felt a tug in my heart saying, "You have plenty. I have given you all that you have and I continue to bless you. You will be provided for." Below is a snip-it from the Pastor's Ponderings found in First Press.

I recently read of a missionary who heard a knock on the door of the hut he occupied in Africa. When he answered, he found one of the native boys holding a large fish in his hands. The boy said, "Reverend, you taught us what tithing is, so here--I've brought you my tithe." As the missionary gratefully took the fish, he questioned the young lad, "If this is your tithe, where are the other nine fish?" At this the boy beamed and said, "Oh, they're still back in the river. I'm going back to catch them now."

I too have nine more fish to go catch. I am ready to give my firstfruits to Yodalis to watch him grow and flourish, as a child of God. I am going to trust that God will continue to provide for me.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"
Winston Churchill

1 comment:

RuthT said...

Love it, Faith. I especially like reminded about the Churchill quote!