Saturday, June 12, 2010

Flag Day 5K Fun Run/10K Race

Race: Flag Day 5K Fun Run/10K Race
Distance: 10K (6.2138 mi)
Goal Time: None
Actual Time: 00:57:21 (9:13 min/mi)

This race was enjoyable, although it was quite hot and humid. The Boy Scouts were helping out with the race, and the proceeds went to benefit one of the local troops. I was excited to see friends from church--Jenni and Valerie, and I met Katie. I missed Ann though, and she was there!

I started off with Adrianna and Patrick, two people from my club. About a mile in a half into the run, I sped up, and the other two were right behind me. Shortly before the 5K split, I met a lady named Laura, who was starting to slow down, so came along and encouraged her to keep going. This slowed me down some, but I really did not mind. Patrick cut off at the 5K split, and then Adrianna joined Laura and I. Close to the end, Adrianna really picked up pace, as I was slowing down. She encouraged me and we went in together! :)

Adrianna and I chose to run another 5K together, after the race, looping the course once again. I ran the 5K with her, and then another 5K--my long run for the week is taken care of. It was a great day for a 20K, although too hot and humid for me. My shirt was soaking, I literally wrung it out after the first 15K and left it at the car; my shorts, they were as bad as the shirt. Oh well. Made for a wet drive home...yuck! Yay for nice, hot, long, showers!

My time is not impressive, but I am not upset either. I am glad I could encourage people along the way and run the extra distance with Adrianna! God is good!

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