Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thank you letter

16 June 2010

Dear Friends:

When I first wrote you in December 2008, I asked for prayer concerning:

· That God would be glorified through my words and actions

· For opportunities to build Christ-centered relationships with students

I believed those prayers have been answered, although not in the way that I originally expected. I believe that God has been glorified through my words and actions. I have used opportunities afforded me to build Christ-centered relationships with students on the Westside of San Antonio. Thank you for your prayers that helped sustain me through this unexpected turn of events!

My passion for teaching high school mathematics remains and I look forward to being in the classroom again this fall. I am now interviewing for high school mathematics teaching positions in and near to San Antonio. I ask for your continued prayers that I will find a position soon. I look forward to expressing God’s love through teaching, and having an income allowing me to support other missionaries.

This year has been challenging emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. My health has improved tenfold, and I am running long distances again. The doctors never came to a solid conclusion regarding my health issues. As much as I want answers, none have been forthcoming, despite pursuing the best medical minds available. I am glad to report that God is healing me.

I want to once again thank all of you who have supported me financially – both through one times gifts and the ongoing support I have received. When health issues forced my return to San Antonio, I was concerned that my support would dwindle, but instead I was continually blessed by your ongoing concern and support. This allowed me to redirect my mission efforts to San Antonio. Thank you! Please note: As of the end of June, I will no longer be employed by The Mission Society, so any support you send after the end of this month will go to support other missionaries.

If you would like more details about my ministry and life, please read my blog at, which I update frequently. My blog is to tell you and remind me of the great things that God is doing, both in my life, and around me!

God’s blessings!

Faith Thomson