Friday, December 24, 2010

30 Before 30...

Everyone has goals and desires, things they want to do. In Stuff Christians Like, one of the challenges was to come up with your own, number of things you want to do, BEFORE, the age of the number of things you want to do. I liked this and thought I would share my personal 30 Before 30. I turn 30 in 230 days. the next 230 days these are things that I would like to accomplish. Please note, these are in no particular order.

  1. BQ--Qualify for the Boston Marathon
  2. PR--By qualifying for Boston, I will make a personal record
  3. Continue having fun running
  4. Run a 3:30 marathon--8:00 min/mi pace
  5. Consistently weigh my ideal weight
  6. Eat proper and healthy
  7. Enjoy continued good health
  8. Be a better bump skier
  9. Learn to pole plant and use my poles when I ski
  10. Have a group of girls who love me enough to tell me when I'm outta line...I desire an accountability group, a core group
  11. Disciple a young woman
  12. Share Christ with someone
  13. Find a good community in H-town
  14. Be more involved with local missions
  15. Go on another short term mission trip
  16. Be a better math teacher
  17. Be a better cook
  18. Play more cribbage
  19. Save $8,000 (ideally $10,000, but once I put money in my IRA, I don't think this is going to be possible)
  20. See my Grandma and extended family on Mom's side
  21. Spend time with my Grandparents and extended family on Dad's side
  22. Be a better daughter to my parents
  23. Be a better sister to my brother
  24. Be a fabulous sister to my new sister, Molly, Levi's fiance
  25. Be a better friend
  26. Be in a dating relationship
  27. Spend more time with God
  28. See God more clearly
  29. Love God more dearly
  30. Follow God more nearly
So there you have 30 Before 30...who needs New Years Resolutions with lists like these? :) What's on your list?

1 comment:

RuthT said...

These are fabulous goals! I will be cheering you on every chance I get!