Thursday, July 14, 2011

Things I love about my Grandpa!

Death is an interesting thing. I have not had many people close to me die, besides my sister. As my grandfather's health is failing, it has caused me to think not only about death, but the life he has had, and how fortunate I am to be his granddaughter.

  • Grandpa taught me both the value and importance of the discipline of having a daily quiet time. I remember spending time with my Grandpa, shortly after his quiet time, and discussing what he had learned.
Some of the extended family
  • Grandpa never quit telling people about Jesus and His love for everyone. This too has had a profound effect on my faith. A couple years ago, Grandpa started inviting some neighbor kids to church. And would you know, they came with him. And love it! I was able to take the neighbor kids, an older friend of Grandpa, and Grandpa all to church while I was there. I went too. What a blessing! These kids will come to know Jesus Christ through Grandpa's invitation. One of the kids, Axton, calls my Grandpa, Bert, like they are long lost friends. As odd and funny as it is, I think it's really cool, that this young child, has so much love and respect for my Grandfather that he comes by to say, "Hi Bert!"
  • Grandpa (and Grandma) supported me both financially and with prayer on many different mission trips. This enabled me to not only further my relationship with Christ, but share Him with others.
  • Grandpa played the violin quite well, and he would play hymns for us, and it was always special when we played with him. Grandpa on violin, myself on piano, my Dad and brother also on violin. Until more recently Grandpa played in a small ensemble.

  • Grandpa has taught me what to look for in a husband. He has been married to my Grandmother for 64 years. He has taught me love, compassion, and the importance of humour.
  • Grandpa was and is a father, to my father, who is one amazing Dad! I am blessed to have learned many things through my own father, who learned them from his own Dad. One of my favourite things to do with my own father is play cribbage. I also enjoy playing with my Grandma and Grandpa. They love each other greatly, yet rile each other on, keeping their love and romance alive. It was my Grandpa who taught me how to count cards quickly, as I was WAY to slow.
  • There are always yummy vegetables in Grandpa's garden--peas, my personal favourite, carrots, lettuce, and many other yummy treats, oh and cherries to pick from the tree.
  • As Grandpa's health has been failing, my Aunt Sheila, one of his daughters made the following comment..."One of us will share in his graduation! We are sad, but Dad has clearly told everyone he knows where he is is going, and if he doesn't see you here, he will look forward to seeing you there (in heaven)!" This is one of the best parts for me personally, I know I will see Grandpa again! God is good!


T.E. Minter said...

Faith, how very well stated! Isn't it great to have grandparents who love the Lord so much, and we in turn get to learn from their examples? Your family is in my prayers!

RuthT said...

We are blessed by such a great example. Thank you for sharing. Love you sweetie. Mom

cousin Veronica said...

His testimony shared by Faith to all of us -- thank you. :)

Bert Jr said...

Very nice and very true Faith.

RuthT said...

Faith, it has been wonderful to re-read your blog on Things I love about my Grandpa! Thanks for putting into words what many witnessed and appreciate about a man who loved our Lord.
More love, Mom