Thursday, September 11, 2008


My cousin, Arnie Chycoski passed away at 1:20 PST, September 10, near Olympia Washington. I had the honour of visiting the Fairmont Empress hotel with Arn-man when I was visiting Sher and Arnie a few years back. It's one thing to go to a hotel, it's another to go to a hotel and hear stories about playing in different areas at the Fairmont Empress. I was blessed by his generosity on many different occasions. I specifically remember walking around Victoria, and Arnie dropping money into peoples cases, as we were enjoying the music. I have loved Victoria since my vacation with Arn-man! I love you too, Sher! be blessed!

1 comment:

RuthT said...

We definitely will miss being with Arnie. Our hearts go out to Sher and others in the family and friends that loved our Arn-Man!