Saturday, March 20, 2010

Way up, way up, in the middle of the air!

Dad and I on the ski lift at Taos Ski Valley, NM

Over Spring Break, I was given the opportunity and blessing to ski with Mom and Dad. Mom and I drove up to Taos Ski Valley, together, on Sunday, as Saturday, I chose to run a 10-mile trail race. You can read about the race here. I enjoyed spending the time with Mom, Hugo, and Lois. Hugo and Lois are some very special sock monkeys, for the Gaudet Reunion 2010! We had fun taking pictures in Roswell, NM, with the aliens! :) Our drive was elongated by some crazy snow conditions on the drive up, but God is good, and kept us safe.

During our ski trip we took one day to hike. And then Mom and Dad indulged my desire to go to the Earthship homes. I'm not a particularly green person, I was just curious. I think Dad enjoyed the interesting building materials as well.

Mom and I outside of the a Earthship home.

Me inside of an Earthship home--notice the inside flower garden.

This is the gnarly stuff they make the homes out of--tires, beer cans, pop cans, beer bottles, dirt, interesting stuff.

I had a blast during the week! To my surprise, some friends from church, Trent and Henry Timberlake, also came up to Taos Ski Valley. Henry and I went out for a couple beers at Eske's, the evening Trent and Henry arrived. Eske's has some pretty cool local brews. The next evening, the guys joined my family for burgers at the condo. Dad, Henry, and I skied the following day--I'm pretty sure Henry liked skiing fast with Dad! Henry convinced me to try a couple of the ski jumps. I jumped slowly the first time and landed alright, but the second time, I got some air, and then enjoyed a crash. Oh well, it was a fun learning experience. I also tried a box for the first time. Not my cup of tea.

One of those random joy moments for me is when I catch a little air--and then going through my head is always "Way up, way up, in the middle of the air! Ezekiel saw a wheel..." Always brings a huge smile to my face.

Dad and I on the lift!

Another thing that brings me a huge smile to my face are my friends Fares and James. I am pictured below with the guys. They keep us inline, and keep our stuff safely stowed away, when not in use.

James, Faith, Fares

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

The earthship homes look cool! They're in NM? By Taos? Looks like you had a good time!