How often in a day do you think of God?
This is the question posed to us at the beginning of our sermon yesterday morning. For me to spend more time with God, see God more clearly, love God more dearly, and follow God more nearly, I must start thinking about him more than I currently do. Our pastor spoke of "God signs"--common things that you see, that remind you to think of God. I would like to come up with a God sign for myself. I have yet to choose one, ideas given from others were--red cars, birds, butterflies... Do you have a God sign? If so, what is it? Please suggest a God sign for me! I love ideas!
I was convicted by the words of both anthems sang at church, therefore, I wrote them down.
I believe in love, even when feeling it not.
I believe in God, even when God is silent.
I believe.
Feelings drive behaviour and there are times when I don't feel love, but I know God is still there. It is in those times, that I learn to push aside feelings and believe--rely on faith, a relationship of obedience, rooted in love, to Godhead.
O, pray for the peace of Jerusalem
They shall prosper that love Thee
Peace be within Thy walls
And plenteousness within Thy palaces.
Deuteronomy means second telling. We studied a portion of Deuteronomy 8 today, where we are commanded to remember God and and keep with his commandments, ordinances, and statutes. This must be important, as God tells us more than once to remember Him.
We each choose how we carry on our daily tasks, although we are asked to bring Christ into what we are doing. While I run, I like to pray, talk about things I've learned at church/bible study with others, memorize scripture, sing hymns, and take time to listen to Him. We are told to keep God alive in all we do. How do you bring Christ into what you're doing? How does remembering God positively impact the way you live your life?
One of my closest girlfriends from college told me one day, I study to worship Christ. This has stuck with ever since that day. She understood how to praise God from whom all blessings flow! I want to be more like her. I want to teach high school math to worship Christ. I want to run to worship Christ. I want to cook and clean to worship Christ. I want to be more like Jesus and think about my Father... How often in a day do you think about Godhead--God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit?
Angela Yingling playing the Doxology
1 comment:
It is good to think of God often. While digging a ditch, in a discussion with friends, sitting down to eat dinner...while reading the Word or listening to music.
Karin Wende suggested "popcorn" prayers when you are sitting at a red light or when you are waiting at the railroad track(s) or when someone cuts you off.
I am sure you will find things at school, perhaps when the bell rings or each time you open a marker to write on the white boards. Enjoy thinking of God often!
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