Sunday, April 22, 2007

Prayer Letter

22 April 2007

In 2002, I had the opportunity to go to Australia, Indonesia, and East Timor through Youth With A Mission to tell others about Jesus. God has given me a passion for people. For the past two years, I have been teaching high school math. My desire is to find a mate and to teach overseas, long term, after some continued training here in the United States.

After encouragement from my brother, Levi, this past January I decided to change churches and now attend and support First Presbyterian Church (FPC,, located in downtown San Antonio. This past semester, God has blessed me with the opportunity to take a course called, “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement,” at FPC. Perspectives ( is broken up into four major categories—Biblical (God’s purpose for us throughout the entire bible beginning in Genesis with Gods promise to Abraham), historical (expansion of the World Christian Movement), strategic (why unreached people groups are important to God’s eternal purpose), and cultural (The Gospel and cross-cultural communication).

I am writing to tell you about a terrific opportunity I am taking part in this summer. Located in Kampala, Uganda, East Africa, is a Rafiki Village ( Rafiki’s aim is to help orphan children in Kampala, grow into godly productive citizens of Uganda. As a mini-missionary, and teacher by profession, I will be working in the secondary school. For the first two weeks of my trip other members of FPC will accompany me. Given a long summer break, I am going to stay in the Rafiki Village through the 10 July 2007, just under six weeks. Teaching has its advantages!

Not only during my trip, but starting today, I am asking that you include me in your prayers. I would like you to pray for travel preparations, as they are well on the way. During my trip, I am asking you to pray for all team members from FPC:

  • Sunday—the Faith of the people we will be ministering to, and for our personal faith
  • Monday—our Health, so that we may effectively work with others
  • Tuesday—Decisions we make, because our sins affect others
  • Wednesday—pray that we are Useful and Helpful in our time in Uganda
  • Thursday—for the Nationals that we will be working with
  • Friday—Students and teachers, Education in Uganda
  • Saturday—Glorification of Christ, that people may see in and through us Gods goodness

I will use my savings to cover a large portion of the $3200 cost of this trip. However, if you would like to partner with me financially that would be much appreciated. Some of the expenses for the mission trip are provided by First Presbyterian Church. Your gift is fully tax-deductible, and any contributions I receive above my individual cost, will be applied to the team expenses.

I would like you to return the enclosed response card, by the 15 May 2007, whether or not you choose to support me financially. This will allow me to take you with me (so to speak) on the trip. I know it will be of great encouragement to me to have your involvement. I am excited about being a part of this team, and I will keep you updated via my blog on my experience. Check it out today!


I/We would like to be your partner in Faith’s experience in Uganda.

___ I/We will support you in prayer.
___ I/We have enclosed a check for ___$25 ___$50 ___$100 $_____

Name _______________________________________
Address _____________________________________

City, St, Zip __________________________________

Make all checks payable to First Presbyterian Church, earmarked “Uganda Mission Trip 2007” and mail to FPC c/o Lexi Smith; 404 N. Alamo, San Antonio, TX 78205. Thank you!

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